OCR Engine - File conversion into text

OCR Engine

Convert your PDF, JPG, JPEG or PNG file into machine-readable text. We transform your document to give you the chance to integrate it into your workflow in the best possible way and thus improve your business.

Simply upload your document to be transformed here and we will convert it - based on the most modern OCR algorithms - in an exceptionally fast manner. You will receive either a PDF or a TXT file when you withdraw


What is OCR?

The transformation of various documents into OCR files ensures that your files are available in a structured and searchable form. This results in the following business values:


Better customer service

Through easier access to information for selected customers and agents who are responsible for customers


Massive time savings

Because the new information system forms an orderly and searchable framework.


Higher productivity

Resulting from less stressed employees, as they can find and use information more easily.


Increased work efficiency

Due to a uniform document management system.

As a potential part of the document management system, this innovative tool enables companies of various sizes to standardize their data. It automates the process of detailed documentation and gives you the chance to focus on progress.

How do we do that?

This workflow diagram describes the potential application point of our OCR engine in your document management system. There is hardly any extra work for you to do. All you have to do is tell us which documents should be converted and when. We will do the rest.

Would you like to know more about the FellowOCR?

We will be pleased to help your business to become even smarter!